Wednesday, February 1


My excuse for not writing this whole week is that Joshua is back in town, and requires my constant attention and supervision, because he is, afterall, a man.

This week has been a whirlwind of fun and puddings, and it's about to get more fun because tomorrow morning we take off for Granada!

This will be my first time in Spain. Not my first time as a Parisian in a Spanish-speaking country though. Thankfully Josh is fluent because my Spanish vocabulary is limited to hola, tapas, amigo, and churro. And I don't think churros are actually even Spanish.

I am very excited to have a Spanish adventure! I am a bit concerned about Spanish desserts though, since the only one I know of is flan - and I think we can all agree that flan is the worst. I may bring some chocolate bars along with us in case I can't find anything delicious to satisfy my sweet tooth. The savory tooth is covered because my Granadaian flatmate recommended some of her favorite restaurants, and we discovered are going to be there over a big festival and holiday in which a lot of cooking goes on! Bring on the paella!

It's been a jolly good week in London. Due to Josh being on Fiji time for the last 2 weeks, he is waking up everyday at 5am, and thus waking me up everyday at 5am. This sounds like doom, but it has actually been really fun because we get a whole morning for activity time together before I have to go into jail (or what some refer to as work).

Yesterday we were at the gym at 6am, I did a full zumba class, we took a lovely walk about my neighborhood, and went for a delicious breakfast - all before 9am! It was amazing. By the time I sat down at my desk I was so wired from the 3 coffees I already had drank and so high on the endorphins from my workout that I felt like I could take on the world! I should start everyday that way!

I am trying to get Joshua to change his sentiments on London. He has never liked it here for some reason I cannot understand. My plan A is to get him to love London so he will want to move over here for the remainder of my year. If that fails, my plan B is to steal his passport so that he cannot leave.

I think I'm going to have to result to plan B because his attitude towards this city is not improving. For one thing it has suddenly become freezing this week - and he arrived from 2 weeks in Fiji - so that is not helping. He is also having a hard time dealing with the early closing hours of everything, and finding some random essentials he needs - like floss.

We had to ask three different people in the store where the floss was before we found it.
The first guy had no idea what we were even saying, so we left him and found another - who was equally as clueless, so he motioned over his friend-worker to try to help.

"Floss," Josh said clearly and loudly as the guy cocked his head in confusion.
"DENTAL FLOSS," Josh repeated louder.
The man then opened his mouth to reveal the most horrible set of teeth you can imagine and repeated with a thick, foreign accent, "Dental?"

Clearly flossing is unknown territory in this country.
Actually, I think all forms dental maintenance may be. But I love the English regardless of their tooth decay.

I really don't know anything about what the Spaniards are like - but can't wait to find out!
Going on what the Spanish dolls look like on the "It's A Small World" ride in Disney World, I'm imagining everyone in matador attire or long, ruffled skirts. Maybe Josh and I can locate these sort of outfits and mix in with the natives?

This is going to be my first weekend adventure to somewhere new since arriving, so I am very excited to swap out an English cup of Earl Grey for a Spanish glass of Sangria and get my salsa dancing on in the streets of Granada!


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