Tuesday, January 10

Bits and Bobs

I got the following email from my flatmate (who is also the landlord) the other day.
The email is copy and pasted exactly, my thoughts while reading inserted in red.

Hello Hello my little beauties,
So I need to just run through a few things with you all (as your terrifying and utterly genius land lord)
first thing: HEATING: If anyone touches the heating system I will cut their head off. I have set the timer for in the morning and evening. If we want it on all day and night then I will have to put the rent up.
so PLEASE dont touch.
Bloody hell I'm going to freeze! I wonder if she is talking about me. I did turn the heat in my room from level 3 to MAX and leave it like that all day with the door shut. I came back to toaster oven!

Secondly: CLEANER: We have a new cleaner called Abel...he is a man...I know shocking!!! He is £25.00 for two hours and will come once a week to do the communial areas of the house...If you want your rooms cleaned you must leave extra money for him and let me know in advance. He is coming this Tuesday.

Thank goodness for Abel (male). The kitchen is a complete disaster! It's quite brilliant how everyone has house cleaners here. I hope he makes beds. I have always hated making the bed. Total waste of time if you ask me, you are just going to unmake it again in a couple hours. A vicious cycle.

Third (ly): SUPPER: Marta is back on the 8th (This Sunday) so I thought we should all have a nice house supper on the Monday 9th. This can be a belated welcome to Anna. Maybe we could make some Fajitas? Or something homley like sheperds pie??

I love that my flatmates call dinner supper. It reminds me of my grandparents.
Seriously hoping dinner is NOT going to be Sherperds Pie. I'm sure it is delicious but Sweeny Todd ruined all meat pies for me.

Fifth (ly): BITS AND BOBS:
Please can someone buy some black bin liners and a bulk loo-paper....and we will all split it????!!!!

all my love
x x x x x x x

HAHAHAH loo-paper.

I literally love my flatmates and its only been a week. I don't know how I got so lucky as to find this place. I realized as I was unpacking that I have never had a proper bedroom of my own before anywhere I lived since living at home.

I shared in room in the dorms freshmen year of college, then I moved into a 1 bedroom apartment that I shared, and I lived in the living room, then I moved in a one room studio which Joshua called "the hallway" because it was long and never got wider than 4ft across. This is the first apartment I've lived in where I have a bedroom, with a door. I am really getting old.

We did have a flat supper Monday night, and it was lovely! We had pasta with Bolognese sauce, salad, and of course lots and lots of wine. It was so fun to be hanging out together in our kitchen, chatting and sipping and laughing. I feel like I have girlfriends! And they are quite a hilarious bunch. I've already picked up some other Englishisms to add to the diction-ry.

Rank - disgusting or ugly. This is really English, one of my flatmates says it constantly.
I.E. That bloke is rank.

Have a..... - instead of getting or taking a (insert noun) you are having one, or had one.
I.E. I've just had a wax. I'm going to have a bath.

Whilst - this is a good one. They say whilst a lot, when we would say while.
I.E. I am reading whilst eating my lunch.

Abel (male) did come today and clean which was heavenly. I left it in a state this morning since I was late for work, and came home to find sparkly. My bed was made, my clothes hung up, the works.

So I have a tidy apartment just in time for the arrival of this guy I've been dating: Sir Josh.


I can't wait to have my first visitor! We're going to have two days of fun in London before heading out to Gloucestershire for the weekend for Josh's magic convention.

This will be my first magic convention. I am extremely excited about this because almost 2 years ago now I bought a silk skirt with a playing card motif on it, and a black silk blouse with the suits of the cards scattered about at Anthropologie. I thought they were very supportive purchases! I have long dreamed of they day I could wear them around magicians where they would be appreciated. So I know what clothes I'm packing!

Lady Anna will arrive in style.

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