Wednesday, December 7

Speed Flatmating

Wednesday night I did something unlike anything I have ever done before.

Being from the U.S., I had heard of speed dating. A bunch of singles meeting in a place and chatting, trying to make a love connection. I always thought it sounded fun in way, and funny in a lot of ways. But, since I have had a great catch of my own for awhile now- I haven't had any need to go fishing in the sea of singles.

But, when I saw an advertisement for Speed Flatmating, I couldn't resist.

I figured if nothing else - it would be a hilarious experience. Imagine my delight when I walked into the pub and found myself amongst a collection of dashing Englishmen and fellow blondies! I put on my "need a room" tag, grabbed a drink, and started to mingle!

There were a surprising number of English people there! Not Londoners, but from where they described as "miserable little towns about 2 hours north on the train." One guy, learning I was from the US, said his little town was like the Cleveland of England! I had to know how he knew what Cleveland was.

"The Drew Carey Show," he replied.
Of course, Ohio's claim to fame.

People questioned me being from New York - saying I had too nice of an American accent to be from Manhattan. Ha! I have had a few Brits tell me they really like my particular accent. One actually said "listening to some Americans is complete torture, but you sound quite nice actually." What a compliment.
I have a sneaking suspicion he was talking about our friends down South. I can't imagine "y'all" going over very big here.

Astonishingly, people don't automatically think I am American here.
I get a lot of people asking if I'm Swedish, sometimes thinking I am Candian (which I find offensive unless they are thinking I am Quebecois) and the other day when I walked out of a shop a guy said "bye", or I mean "Auf Wiedersehen."

What no one seems to realize is that I am actually Parisian.

So after mingling for a while, I realized all the "had a rooms" didn't have the kind of rooms I was after, but I stayed for the next hour anyway making all kinds of friends. Which made me think, forget speed dating, and speed flatmating - there should be a simple speed friendmaking!

It's hard to meet people in a new city, especially when you spend most of your hours in an office. Besides, trying to meet potential girl friends is much harder than trying to meet potential boyfriends.

When meeting guys, one can rely on her expertise flirting skills and hair tossing abilities. Neither of things will get you very far with girls. You need to showcase your expert shopping skills, celebrity knowledge, and bios all the various "Real Housewives" to attract girl friends.

So I'm considering going back to this weekly event, even after I've found a flat just to attempt to meet some people. I will pretend I need a flat so everyone thinks I'm there for the right reasons - but really I will just be scoping out potential friends. It's a brilliant idea.

I spent my Thursday evening in a less-crazy way.
I found out Notting Hill was having a Christmas Party shopping night, where all the stores were open late and offering festive nibbles and champagne! Count me in!

Although it was raining, I pranced from shop to shop on Westbourne Grove trying all kinds of English treats - including Mince Pies! Mince pies really should have a more delicious sounding name to properly suit the deliciousness you experience when you bite in. It's like eating Christmas! A fruity, cinnamon and spicy filling tucked inside a buttery house of golden crust and sprinkled with powdered sugar! Happy Christmas to me!

I picked up a mug of Mulled Wine in Ralph Lauren, some Laudree macaron in Nanette Lepore, a brownie bite in Melt, a flute of bubbly in Helmut Lang. It was like a trail of treats! Everything in the shops was far to expensive for my limited stash of Pounds, but I did so enjoy lusting over the silhouettes and indulging in the freebies. It was like Fashion's Night Out in New York, except it was Christmas Night Out in Notting Hill. And due to the rain, there was hardly anyone participating. I had all the mince pies to myself!

I started off this morning with a trip back to the Medical Centre - because after two weeks I am still sick, and now have pain in my forehead similar to Harry Potter when Voldemort is near.
I found it to be a much more pleasant experience this time around, so I take back what I previously said about National Healthcare being crap. I had a very nice, female, doctor who actually checked out my various organs and gave me antibiotics for my diagnosed sinus infection. 3 minutes later I payed for my £7 prescription and was on my merry way.

Forgive me for not writing much this week . Due to the sickness raging on inside of me I have been passing out in the midst of typing each night and not able to complete a full thought. But now that I have proper medicine , I should be feeling like my old, loony, self in no time.

It is crucial that I get better my tomorrow morning so that I can do all the funtivities I have planned for the weekend. A Degas exhibit, an outdoor Christmas craft market, a candlelit Christmas carol concert, and a Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows walking tour and quest around London - just to name a few.

Here's hoping all of those things will also include a mince pie or two.

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