Tuesday, December 13

Christmas at the Abbey

Since April, I have pretty much been obsessed with the idea walking down the aisle at Westminster Abbey. This desire, of course stemmed from watching the Royal Wedding 10+ times.

The morning of April 29th I had surgery which left me literally immobile for days, with nothing to do but lay on the couch and watch the television. And the only thing on the television was the Royal Wedding. And so I watched....and watched.... and watched. BBC, E!, NBC, ABC, again, and again and again, and I became obsessed. My parents came into the room upon my 12th or so viewing and finally forced me to turn it off.

How could I not be obsessed? Kate Middleton lived every little girl's dream! She married a Prince and became a Princess, in an amazing designer gown in one of the most incredible churches in the world! Reminding us all that these things do happen!!

So since dating a prince and having a custom McQueen gown are just a bit out of reach at the moment, walking down the aisle of Westminster Abbey was as close as I could get.

I found out this past weekend that they were having a Christmas Concert tonight, and the very limited amount of tickets were, of course, sold out. But that didn't stop me.

The kind woman at the box office told me to call again in case something opened up. So, naturally, I called the box office hourly for the past few days to check in. At 5pm today there was still nothing, so there was only 1 sensible thing to do. Stand outside Westminster Abbey in the frigid cold and hope.

When the doors opened, in I charged - somehow making it to the front of the line and dodging the ticket-checking gatekeeper. I was the first person to reach the box office - and the only person to get the 1 returned and now available for purchase ticket in the North Nave, steps from the seats the choir would soon fill. I wedding marched down the aisle to my seat.

The choir began singing before they came into view. So as I sat in the Abbey, in total and complete awe of the gorgeousness and massiveness of the 1000 year old building around me, it seemed like angels had began to softly sing from the heavens - and I could hear. When the choir of 30 some little boys proceeded in, dressed in regal, red robes with ruffled white collars popping out - I had to give myself a little pinch.

What proceeded what the most exquisite Christmas concert I have ever attended. The whole thing just seemed surreal. The perfection of the voices singing in unison over the Organ, the sound floating up to the infinitely high arches of the Abbey and resonating inside me. Joining in for a verse or two of Hark the Harold Angels Sing and Oh Little Town of Bethlehem was just, so fun, and to just look around, taking in where I was and what I was listening to put an enormous smile on my face. A very special evening indeed, and an excellent addition to my Christmas Spirt week!

In other good news - I have a flat! After a month of searching, I have home in London, starting the new year. New year, new home, new city, new adventures!

About a week ago I posted a "room wanted" ad on a popular flat finding website. Something along the lines of,

"Young Parisian/American girl seeks long term accommodation (and friendship) in London. Here for work, but more interested in fun. Very tidy, respectful, Harry Potter fanatic who enjoys traveling, baking cupcakes and discussing the Eiffel Tower. Slightly resembles Rapunzel, often speaks French rather than English, and quite honestly a bit insane. Would make excellent flatmate."

Amazingly enough - quite a few people responded!

That's how I found my 4 future flatmates. Who shall remain nameless for their priv-acy, but are loads of fun and so my kind of people!

They invited out for "supper" last night so we all could hang out a bit before I decided if I wanted to take the room. They picked a place on King's Road called "Big Easy," which was the "best North American style restaurant in the UK," according to their website.
I wasn't sure if they picked this because they knew I was American and wanted me to feel at home, or if because it was actually a good place.

Ribs, mac n' cheese, jalapeno poppers, and lobster tails were among the specialities. The interior reminded me perfectly of Joe's Crab Shack - especially with all the idiots wearing big bibs with lobsters on them and grinning. Everything was delicious - and a little taste of home was actually just what I needed! When a live band starting jamming golden oldies - everything was complete. It was actually a great place!

Sitting there chowing on chicken delicious fajitas and jamming to Brown Eyed Girl, with a table of girls who are going to make excellent flatmates, I felt of a rush of excitement and relief. I found a home, and 4 new friends, and a place that serves excellent mexican food. What more could a girl want?

Besides a Prince, of course.

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