Thursday, December 22

On Holiday

My "holiday" was officially begun!

And by holiday, I mean both the English use of the word for vacation time, as well as Christmas, cookie-baking, present wrapping, carol singing holiday time.

Tomorrow morning I fly back to the US - assuming they let me on the airplane with the amount of baggage I have due to the loads of goodies I am bringing home with me!
Mince pies, jams, tea, tins of biscuits, and several stocking fillers and proper presents for all the Americans I love.

I have never had so much fun Christmas shopping as I did this year! Typically, I am searching and searching for the right things for people - and not able to find something I really am excited to give. But this year, thanks to places like Oxford Street, King's Road, Portabello Road, and Spitalfields Market, I have managed to find truly brilliant gifts for everyone!

I had a jolly good time doing one final sweep in Selfridge's Food Hall last night.
There are really some spectacularly scrumptious looking things in there! Counters of gourmet food, shelves of shortbread and homemade conserves, and even a Pierre Herme - which had the most beautiful Christmas tree I have ever seen on display.

I picked up a macaron of corse. Salted caramel with a coconut mango creme.
Boy oh boy, was it ever nice.

I had some fun just shopping through the aisles, finding uniquely English things.
Like this...

While getting lost among the "Terribly Clever Oaty Crumble and other delights, I found the small "Foods of America" section, which in its entirety was this...

This is what people think of us Americans?
That our speciality is boxed mix - because we are too lazy to actually make anything from scratch.

The French section has artisanal croissants, foie gras, and crepes; The Italian section handmade, fresh pastas and sauces; the American section - Betty Crocker.
Is there really nothing that America can do better than anyone else aside from boxed cakes?

I remember the American food store in Paris I went to once to find Cheddar Cheese had tons of Betty Crocker as well. They also carried gold fish and Cheese Wiz.
So, we've got that too I suppose. Fish-shaped cheese crackers, canned spray cheese, and boxed cakes. It makes one so proud to be an American, doesn't it?

I am excited to return to the land of Lady Liberty though! The next ten days are going to be the first solid week and half of no work since July. Which may not seem that long to you, but seems like ages to me given that I was simply not meant for the working world. Even though I love my job - the loss of my 9-5 freedom kills me softly every weekday.

My office is closed the entire week between Christmas and New Years. Only our London office, if I was in New York I'd be expected at work bright and early on the 27th - but the building our showroom is in closes, so we physically can't go to work! Yay! The week off we get is actually much less time than most Londoners are getting. About half of the showrooms on our floor closed Wednesday, and won't be back until January 3rd. I tried emailing one of my French clients on Monday, and promptly got his auto-response saying:

"I am off eating cheese and drinking wine and enjoying myself for the next 3 weeks, and wouldn't dream of checking my emails or doing even the slightest bit of work, so definitely don't try to contact me again until January 10th . Joyeux Noel"

January 10th! For real. The other bit I embellished, but the 10th bit is real.
That's when Paris is back at it. Ohhhh, how I love the European lifestyle. Their economy may be sinking into the Mediterranean, but at least they enjoy life.

And in just a few short hours, I'll be enjoying life to the maximum in my cozy house with my wonderful parents and boyfriend and friends!

I can guarantee I will be not be writing a single word while I am on holiday. I will be much too occupied with watching old movies and decorating cutouts and eating many, many, many of my Aunt's amazing peanut butter buckeyes.

So, I wish you a very Happy Christmas and a brilliant New Year from London!

Cheers to 2012!

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