Sunday, April 22

Dark Chocolate Dreams

This is the first weekend I've spent in London since March 2nd! 

In the last 30 days I've been in 5 countries. Holy scones and jam!

So just where have I been? Here's a quick re-cap. 

March 10-11th bonding with British friends in Basingstoke 
March 17-18th visiting my long lost love in New York City 
March 24-25th munching on brezen in Munich, and tortes in Salzburg
March 30-31st seeing sheep and having tea in the Cotswald
April 7-8th  tip-toeing through the tulips in Amsterdam
April 14-15th biking through the canals in Copenhagen

It was very strange not packing a suitcase Friday night. I almost felt like I should just bring my carry-on along with me and tote it around...

I had a very low-key weekend, since the past 2 months have been a bit of whirlwind. 

Friday night I went out with my co-worker and her boyfriend for haute Indian at the Cinnamon Club. 
We sat in bar to partake in the special "Beer and Spice Pairings" Menu. Good thing I now like beer!
There were 6 pairings on the menu, so we each got two over the course of 2 hours had an Indian tapas feast. 

I started with the Bengali style crab and cod cakes with kasundi mustard, paired with Aspalls Cider - and then moved onto the Tandoori paneer tikka with red onion and pepper, paired with Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. 

Every bite and sip was delicious! And I felt guiltless, since I had woken up at 6am to go to my Barrecorre class. I've gone everyday since I joined  - and my body is in an all-out ache. I hurt in places I didn't know one could hurt, and not sure one should hurt. 

After Barrecorre Saturday afternoon, I wandered up to Duke of York Square to grab lunch in the fresh market that pops up every Saturday. There is this woman who has a stall where she sells her homemade loaves, and cuts up giant samples  - and she is more or less my main for going to this market. 

Apple, plum, and oat bread; iced coffee cake bread, coconut bread, mango bread, banana bread...
The most amazing loaves I have ever tasted. The first time I tasted a sample, I bought a half loaf and ate the whole thing. Since that day of no control, I have not let myself buy any again because I know how it will end. But I always stop by for some nicely portion-controlled samples. 

I spent the rest of the day wandering around the Natural History Museum and in and out of shops on Kensington High Street. 
The sight of the Whole Foods on the corner always makes me sentimental, and so I went in to roam the aisles and pretend I was in New York, gathering some groceries to make dinner in Josh's teany kitchen. 

I ended the day with nearly two hours of fondly examining the packing on american foods, like chicken salad and pita chips in Whole Foods- but because of the price tag,  I left with only one thing. 

The one thing a girl can't live without. 

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