Tuesday, November 15


One word explains the two reasons I have moved to London.

En Anglais: Resume.
A piece of paper that sums the past 4 years of my life into a few meticulously spaced sentences. My resume, that was faxed, without my knowing, to company who happened to be looking to fill a position in their London office.

Now I have always been blessed with unexplainable good luck and a habit of falling into serendipitous situations. So, when just two days before graduating from college I was offered an amazing job I hadn't even actually applied for, I took it as a graduation gift from God, and went to celebrate my first official employment with afternoon tea.

En Francais: Résumer: verb; to resume.

Two years ago I moved to Paris for 6 months for a semester abroad. Every minute of my vie Parisian was an adventure, and since my return not a day has gone by that I have not longed to be roaming a cute, old European street with something delicious in one hand and something even more delicious in the other. I put that life on hold when I left France - until I could return one day,

And so, today I resume my life as an American overseas. I resume my life as "the Blonde Parisienne" - only this time, I'm in the U.K. - and these fine English lads and ladies are in for a treat as I begin making the most of their country. The first time I stepped a high heeled foot onto English soil I said, "I want to live here one day!" And so I am.

So, look out Prince Harry, and
welcome to my adventures as the Blonde Parisienne, lost in London. It's going to be a brilliant year!


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